All artwork is copyrighted by Karl Gnass, unless otherwise attributed to the respective copyright owner. It is illegal to publish or print any such artwork or text without written permission by the artist or copyright owners.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Summer 2010 Day Classes


12 Mondays, JUNE 7 - AUGUST 30, 9:30am - 4pm. Fee: $300.

This course deals with the fundamentals and development of head and figure painting. Attention will be given to anatomy, structure and form followed with emphasis on character, mood and action. We will examine and explore different theories of color, the value scale, direct and indirect light and procedures used by various artists throughout history. There will be a running dialogue about composition and it's importance. I will give a one day lecture tour of a Los Angeles museum. Finally, a look at personal approach, inviting the student to challenge established norms and limitations.

Note: no class July 5


12 Fridays, JUNE 4 - AUGUST 20, 9:30am - 4pm. Fee: $300.

This intensive class will help you kick your figure drawing skills into high gear. Dynamics are the key to making a truly powerful drawing. Using a variety of materials with fundamental and advanced techniques, we will cover key drawing concepts, analyze old master drawings and discuss how to observe ond organize form. The study ranges from quick sketch to modeling form with special attention given to composition and anatomy.

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