All artwork is copyrighted by Karl Gnass, unless otherwise attributed to the respective copyright owner. It is illegal to publish or print any such artwork or text without written permission by the artist or copyright owners.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June Seminar


June 19, 10:am-3:30pm

*This seminar focuses on the elements of successful figure drawing:

STRUCTURE - How to build a functional body.

MECHANICS - Drawing the body in motion with muscles that express authentic action.

(To view the complete list of seminars for the year of 2010 click the 3-fold .jpg spreadsheets on the right.)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

First the Seminar for May Then the Classes for Summer



May 15, 10am-3:30pm

*This seminar clarifies the roll of character and expression as tools for storytelling.

Expression, what it is and isn't, how it really works, how character acts as a booster for expression and not as a replacement for it. We will have two character models helping us throughout the day working indepdently as well as with each other.

To register: email

Summer 2010 Day Classes


12 Mondays, JUNE 7 - AUGUST 30, 9:30am - 4pm. Fee: $300.

This course deals with the fundamentals and development of head and figure painting. Attention will be given to anatomy, structure and form followed with emphasis on character, mood and action. We will examine and explore different theories of color, the value scale, direct and indirect light and procedures used by various artists throughout history. There will be a running dialogue about composition and it's importance. I will give a one day lecture tour of a Los Angeles museum. Finally, a look at personal approach, inviting the student to challenge established norms and limitations.

Note: no class July 5


12 Fridays, JUNE 4 - AUGUST 20, 9:30am - 4pm. Fee: $300.

This intensive class will help you kick your figure drawing skills into high gear. Dynamics are the key to making a truly powerful drawing. Using a variety of materials with fundamental and advanced techniques, we will cover key drawing concepts, analyze old master drawings and discuss how to observe ond organize form. The study ranges from quick sketch to modeling form with special attention given to composition and anatomy.

Summer 2010 Night Classes


12 Monday nights, JUNE 7 - AUGUST 30, 7 - 10pm. Fee: $180.

This class is designed to intensify the fundamental understanding of structure and form developed in earlier classes. The objective is clarity of expression. Attention will be given to anatomy, conceptualizing form and troubleshooting difficult poses. We will work on the description of form and design with tone in longer, more complete drawings with emphasis on integration of the parts, compositional structure and anatomical relationship.

Note: no class July 5


12 Wednesday nights, JUNE 2 - AUGUST 15, 7 - 10pm. Fee: $180.

Principles of story structure and visual storytelling for television and feature animation. Exercises stress invention and creativity within the context of a given structure, story mechanics, continuity, staging, gag structure, character, etc. Three storyboard assignments cover a complete range of variables a story artist might encounter. *Some understanding of visual perspective is advised.


12 Thursday nights, JUNE 3 - AUGUST 19, 7 - 10pm. Fee: $180.

A basic foundation figure drawing class. Emphasis on fundamentals of observing, interpreting and describing form. Procedures used in quick sketch, construction and fundamentals of volume and structure. The goal is to develop the ability to draw with skill and imagination.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Seminar for April


Drawing Character Moments That Show Story Sequence

April 17, 10am-3:30pm

*This seminar focuses on the visual development of the narrative story.

There will be exercises designed to help strenghen ones visual short story telling: beginning, middle, and end. We will be working with life drawing and character model Karin Chekirda for inspiration.

To get a quick view & complete details,
please click the link below and then
click 'Current Seminar'.

The American Animation Institute
1105 N. Hollywood Way
Burbank, CA 91505

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Landscape Sketch Update

Please note: seminar will start at 9am
instead of 10am due to limited parking.

Arrive at 8:45am.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sketch Comp on Location Seminar - March 27th

something like this

We’ll meet at Chantry Flats, a new location, beautiful and tree covered stream, rock walls and a waterfall. We'll do some field sketching and small comps while discussing the elements of good composition.

*Suggestions for this outing:There is nothing challenging about this path but, nonetheless, be safe and bring good walking shoes for some of the more difficult areas. Bring a wet and dry sketchbook, several dry drawing tools, perhaps some ink and ink wash tools as well. A backpack or over the shoulder bag will be useful, possibly a light weight folding chair. And be prepared; have a jacket or sweatshirt.

Call me for registration, not AAI. You can reach me at 323-913-7064

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Spring 2010 Day Classes

KARL GNASS CLASSES are held at AAI, American Animation Institute,1105 North Hollywood Way, Burbank, CA 91505.
For registration call on or after January 25th at (818) 845-7000. Ask for Lyn. Please make all payments to AAI for spring classes before the start date! If you reserved a spot, please make payments by the 5th of February to ensure your spot!

12 Mondays, FEBRUARY 22 - MAY 10, 9:30am - 4pm. Fee: $300.

This course deals with the fundamentals and development of head and figure painting. Attention will be given to anatomy, structure and form followed with emphasis on character, mood and action. We will examine and explore different theories of color, the value scale, direct and indirect light and procedures used by various artists throughout history. There will be a running dialogue about composition and it's importance. I will give a one day lecture tour of a Los Angeles museum. Finally, a look at personal approach, inviting the student to challenge established norms and limitations.

12 Fridays, FEBRUARY 19 - MAY 14, 9:30am - 4pm. Fee: $300.

This intensive class will help you kick your figure drawing skills into high gear. Dynamics are the key to making a truly powerful drawing. Using a variety of materials with fundamental and advanced techniques, we will cover key drawing concepts, analyze old master drawings and discuss how to observe ond organize form. The study ranges from quick sketch to modeling form with special attention given to composition and anatomy.

Note: No class April 2nd

Spring 2010 Night Classes

KARL GNASS CLASSES are held at AAI, American Animation Institute,1105 North Hollywood Way, Burbank, CA 91505.
For registration call on or after January 25th at (818) 845-7000. Ask for Lyn. Please make all payments to AAI for spring classes before the start date! If you reserved a spot, please make payments by the 5th of February to ensure your spot!

12 Monday nights, FEBRUARY 22 - MAY 10, 7 - 10pm. Fee: $180.

This class will develop a subtle and imperative understanding of the the construction of the head, hand and feet. This will include a study of the planes, forms and volumes and the structure of the bones and muscle to show how they interact dynamically, creating action and character.

12 Wednesday nights, FEBRUARY 17 - MAY 5, 7 - 10pm. Fee: $180.

Principles of story structure and visual storytelling for television and feature animation. Exercises stress invention and creativity within the context of a given structure, story mechanics, continuity, staging, gag structure, character, etc. Three storyboard assignments cover a complete range of variables a story artist might encounter. *Some understanding of visual perspective is advised.

12 Thursday nights, FEBRUARY 18 - MAY 6, 7 - 10pm. Fee: $180.

A basic foundation figure drawing class. Emphasis on fundamentals of observing, interpreting and describing form. Procedures used in quick sketch, construction and fundamentals of volume and structure. The goal is to develop the ability to draw with skill and imagination.